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Trade House SHT

Name: Trade House SHT
Phone: 89036516050
Country: Australia
Address: Voronezh, Prospect Truda, 67, office 407
Contact person: Doseikin Mikhail Romanovich

It is no coincidence that SKT today is firmly and confidently occupying a leading position in the domestic market of high-tech weighing equipment - for ten years, since 2008, we have not just sold, but we have developed and produced, on our own basis, various types of scales - automobile ( for 40, 60, 80, 100 tons, warehouse, scales for weighing livestock, quarry. Understanding the needs of their partners and based on their wishes, engineers, designers and designers of "SHT" are constantly moving towards the improvement of these products. And at the enterprise itself there is strict control over each section of the technical line, so we are confident in the quality of our scales, and our partners trust us.

Продукция компании

1. Automobile scales VA SHT 2-80-24-4
2. Automobile scales VA SHT 2-100-18-3
3. Automobile scales VA SHT 2-100-20-4

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